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Andrew is co-founder and EMEA lead of Embrace, LinkedIn’s ERG supporting under-represented racial groups. Andrew’s record on driving the D&I strategy at LinkedIn includes leading the largest ever set of listening sessions in the UK, following the death of George Floyd. These sessions saw the number of allies increase by four times, and the findings were shared at the executive level to shape the UK D&I strategy. Andrew’s work developing this D&I strategy provided a vision to empower allies to take action across the region. The ‘Allyship’ education series he led, including events with high profile speakers like John Amaechi, helped allies to understand how low levels of belonging and forced assimilation impact internal mobility among people of colour. Andrew’s team also led diverse hiring initiatives, such as “The Changing Face of Technology: Why Black Representation in Tech Matters” which created more racially diverse pipeline for the business.

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