As Chief People Officer for GSK, Diana has amplified and integrated Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) into the wider agenda, with an approach focussed on people, business and communities. Under Diana’s leadership, GSK has launched a number of key projects focussed on ethnicity including, annual mandatory all-employee I&D training, the Accelerating Difference Ethnic Diversity development programme and expectations of diverse shortlists of qualified candidates for all key roles. In 2021, Diana worked with the Board and GSK Leadership Team to set aspirational targets of at least 30% (US) and at least 18% (UK) ethnically diverse leaders in Vice President and above roles by end of 2025, with year-on-year disclosure of progress against ethnicity sub-categories. One year on, GSK has made good progress with 27.1% (US) and 12.9% (UK) ethnically diverse leaders in VP and above roles, as well as increased ethnic diversity at all levels leadership – not just the most senior.