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Faizal is the Vice-Chair of the Together Network – the Multicultural Network of Atos, who has launched several initiatives to support Diversity and Inclusion within the firm. Faizal organised a Reverse Mentoring program to empower discussion about culture between senior and junior colleague to further enhance inclusivity within the firm. The network organised the BAME Senior Leadership Program which identified ethnically diverse talent at mid-management, and paired them with the Executive Leadership Team to accelerate their personal development. In addition, Faizal arranged the Listen and Learn sessions to provide the Executive leadership team with perspectives of Atos’ ethnically diverse members, to support shaping future Diversity & Inclusivity strategies. Furthermore, as part of the BAME Women in Tech Initiative, Faizal worked with a local high school to provide internships to women students from an ethnically diverse background with aim of inspiring them towards a career within the technology sector.