As a member of the steering committee for the Clifford Chance BME Network Habib’s role includes organising pro-bono events and supporting the growth of the network. He is the Partner Champion for Clifford Chance’s support for London Black Women’s Project, and has promoted Client co-involvement in the project. He also acts as liaison between Clifford Chance’s Muslim Network and the Canary Wharf Chaplaincy. Externally, Habib has served on the Committee of the Society of Asian Lawyers. Additionally, within the Ismaili Muslim Community he has held a number of senior positions such as chair of the International Conciliation and Arbitration Board. He is a member of the Canary Wharf Chaplaincy Multifaith Steering Group, supports the work of Patchwork Foundation and is a trustee of Bow Arts Trust and Engage- the National Association for Gallery Education.