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When Maryse worked to launched LSEG’s Black Employee Inspired Networking Group in the Americas, she drew on her five years’ experience as Vice Chair of the Women’s Inspired Network New York, replicating the successful framework used to elevate women whilst making the necessary changes for addressing ethnicity challenges. Alongside the rest of the BEING leadership team, Maryse facilitated numerous initiatives to drive the D&I agenda, working with D&I and HR on areas like unconscious bias training, hiring practices and career development. She also drew on her internal and external connections to facilitate events, for example partnering with the Bank of America for a panel discussion on ‘Being a Black Man in Corporate America’. In six months BEING has officially signed 100 members, launched 15 events, and created a platform where colleagues can talk about race, be educated in a safe space and truly see the challenges facing employees of color.

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