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The Core Culture group at Fidelity International evolved following the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. Nigell is a one of the members providing input to Senior Management to formulate the company’s Cultural Diversity Action Plan and plays a lead role in the Ireland Culture group, implementing the global objectives at a local level.  In addition, Nigell has volunteered his time to be one of the D&I Champions with The Finance Hive Network and has used his influence to ensure D&I was included at the organization’s annual members’ conference. Nigell is currently working with The Finance Hive, creating an annual calendar covering all facets of D&I through workshops and roundtables, driving forward an online ‘D&I Resource Hub’, as well as acting as a ‘D&I Champion’ to offer support to individuals within The Finance Hives Network of over 500 individuals, representing over 300 asset managers and hedge funds.

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