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With a focus on ‘real action and no virtue-signalling’, Imran is a founding co-lead of Mosaic, Phoenix Group’s BAME colleague network. Not only has Imran provided reverse mentoring to Phoenix Group’s CEO on racial/ethnic diversity but he also led the growth, from ideation to implementation, of a successful new diversity data application ‘Who We Are’ – which achieved a completion rate of over 75% (within only eight weeks) and has transformed the organisational approach to DEI. He is a recipient of the FT Adviser’s prestigious ‘Diversity Champion of the Year’ award and in 2022, Imran was invited to a private roundtable with the First Minister of Scotland and the Lord Mayor of the City of London to discuss strategic issues pertaining to diversity/socio-economic mobility in financial services. Passionate about cricket, he is a member of the ‘Running Out Racism’ campaign to eradicate institutional and every-day racism from Scottish Cricket.