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Not only has Imran provided reverse mentoring to Phoenix Group’s CEO on racial diversity but, since 2017, has been one of the founding co-chairs and leaders of Mosaic, the organization’s BAME colleague network.

Imran also led the growth, from ideation to implementation, of a successful new diversity data application ‘Who We Are’ – which achieved a completion rate of over 75% (within only eight weeks) and has transformed the organisational approach to DEI.

Passionate about cricket, Imran is a member of the ‘Running Out Racism’ campaign to eradicate institutional racism from Scottish Cricket and has also been working with the East of Scotland Cricket Association to advise on setting up their DEI strategy and policies.

In 2022, Imran was invited to a private roundtable with the First Minister of Scotland and the Lord Mayor of the City of London to discuss strategic issues pertaining to diversity/socio-economic mobility in financial services.