Alieda co-chairs the Bank of England’s Ethnic Minority Network. She led on the launch of a strategy that has ensured that BAME issues are prominent on the Bank’s executive agenda, successfully encouraging BoE to sign up to the Race at Work Charter and set up a taskforce to address retention and progression issues for ethnic minority staff. The Governor recently wrote a letter to the Chair of the Treasury Committee outlining the Network’s achievements, including a reverse mentoring scheme and the BoE African-Caribbean scholarship programme, for which Alieda acts as a mentor. Alieda led a project on intersectionality and barriers faced by female BAME colleagues in terms of career progression, for which she was nominated for the 2018 BoE Governor’s Recognition Scheme Award. She arranged and chaired a ‘Colour Brave’ series that allowed BAME staff to voice their experiences to non-BAME staff and encouraged everyone to ‘get comfortable talking about race’. Externally, Alieda acts as an Ambassador in predominantly BAME schools where raises awareness around the possibilities of a career in the City. Alieda participates in numerous mentoring schemes, including the ACDiversity Charity, providing practical help with job applications, CVs and interview practice. As a Project Leader for the non-profit, Thrive Africa, Alieda recruited volunteers to build libraries in orphanages and schools in Ghana. Alieda has also been shortlisted for the 2019 WeAreTheCity Rising Star Awards.