Anthony is passionate about ensuring that ethnic minority people at lower levels realise their potential, specifically those who identify as LGBT+. He has hosted a number of WebEx sessions on the subject of intersectionality, getting external speakers to come into LBG to speak about this topic and informally mentors others around the topic. He has also used his position on the top 40 BAME role models within LBG to bring this subject to the forefront of conversations and to give other BAME and LGBT+ colleagues a visible role model, including joining a number of events hosted by our Ethnic Minority network to help encourage inclusion within the network itself. He has also led a number of key activities within LBG’s LGBT+ network to bring BAME topics to the top of their priority list, including LBG’s first ever participation in UK Black Pride, ensuring that we all support each other in our quest for inclusion. Anthony is also a mentor to a younger ethnic minority person from the charity Action for Children as part of their ethnic minority future leader initiative.