Chinwe co-founded the Clifford Chance Black & Minority Ethnic network in 2015 with the primary aim of making BAME issues a business priority at Clifford Chance. Initially as co-chair and now as partner champion of the Clifford Chance BAME network, she has been instrumental in raising awareness of what is now an active and visible network, both within the firm and externally. She introduced a bespoke three-part coaching programme, aiming to assist Black and minority ethnic employees living in London in their personal and professional development, successfully launched the BAME network reverse mentoring programme and organises regular events, including for Black History Month. Chinwe is a professional ambassador for Aspiring Solicitors, aiming to increase diversity in the legal profession by assisting aspiring solicitors from underrepresented backgrounds. She has been identified as a role model by the Clifford Chance Women’s Network and Legal 500. Chinwe is partner sponsor for the London Black Women’s Project, an organisation focused on addressing violence against women and girls by providing advice, guidance, support, advocacy and accommodation. She mentors on the Black Solicitors Network Creating Pathways Mentoring Scheme and is a regular speaker and panellist at conferences aimed at developing BAME employees.