As a founding member of Fusion, Mayer Brown’s Black and Ethnic Minority diversity network, David has been an integral part of its steering committee for a number of years. Fusion’s goals include raising issues around diversity and supporting the firm’s wider diversity and inclusion initiatives, one of which is increasing diversity in the workplace. David has networked extensively with schools and universities and helped develop a “See Me Be Me” initiative at the firm which involves Fusion hosting career days for ethnically diverse students from disadvantaged backgrounds to learn more about work opportunities at the firm and how to develop soft skills. He also represents the firm in speaking at schools, universities and other platforms throughout the year. David spearheaded efforts to get the firm to be involved with the Government’s Ethnic Pay Reporting consultation and drafted much of the firm’s response to the consultation. Fusion has been responsible for a raft of events and initiatives all aimed at creating awareness of the various cultures celebrated by Mayer Brown’s employees, and engaging the firm to participate in important cultural celebrations. David has also taken the responsibility in starting a dialogue with the firm’s human resource team regarding how best they can recruit and retain diverse candidates. Externally, David organises a yearly careers conference with Urban Lawyers for almost 300 students from underprivileged backgrounds. He mentors with the Success Looks Like You scheme and on a private basis with BAME students. David is a regular speaker at events focusing on diversity, perspective, and the role of Africa in a global economy. David is also a school governor in Barnet, at one of the borough’s most ethnically diverse schools. He works with the charity Breaking Barriers to help refugees start new lives in the UK, is on the steering committee for the Junior Lawyers Division of the British Nigerian Lawyers Forum, and is working with the Black British City Group to start a crowdfunded community fund which will give hardship and small business grants to young disadvantaged people within the Black community.