At Aon, Dominic has ensured that his leadership team have to sponsor 3-5 diverse colleagues and have D&I goals in their objectives, ensuring a strong pipeline of diverse talent. He is committed to driving social mobility to enable those from ethnic minority and disadvantaged backgrounds to have the opportunities that privileged, majority communities take for granted. Dominic has supported the development of Aon’s traineeship programme, Step Up, which attracts young NEETs (those not in education, employment or training) who are aged 18-25 to gain valuable experience and skills to enable them to enter the job market. Alongside one of the BAME women he sponsors, Dominic worked on two initiatives recently to attract BAME talent to Aon, an ‘Insight Week’ to give a week’s work experience to 15 young BAME individuals, involving presentations, skills workshops, and job shadowing to help introduce the candidates to the type of work that Aon undertakes, run by role model volunteers; and a brand new two-day workshop designed to attract BAME individuals and fast-track them to the assessment centre for Aon’s graduate programme. Beyond Aon, Dominic sponsors the Lord Mayor’s Appeal, which supports social mobility and encourages minority groups. As Chairman of Inclusion@Lloyd’s, Dominic also has influence across the whole of the insurance industry and works with leaders at other firms to drive a culture of inclusion. Additionally, Dominic is actively involved in mentoring BAME women to assist with their career progression in the city.