Gerald has a collaborative management philosophy, based on inclusion, diversity of ideas and perspectives, and direct, open communication and behavior. He promotes diversity through objective, data-based business processes, diverse sourcing for recruitment, speaking engagements, and board appointments. He publicly sponsors, coaches, and speaks at all levels engaging all employee’s participation, ethnic minority organizations, and company employee resource groups. As a member of the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) and previously as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Co-chair of CALIBR, Gerald has grown member programming, leadership and professional development events, and participated in ELC’s business case competition and scholarships. As an outside patron sponsoring regular internships and a bi-annual program for Npower’s students to engage and be counselled by Under Armour employees, he was recently asked to join their Baltimore Regional Advisory Board. Gerald’s history of mentorship and service to ethnic minority entrepreneurs and professionals includes a Congressional Medal for Outstanding Service and Achievement, the Black Engineer of the Year, Special Recognition Award from US Black Engineer Magazine, and until recently was deeply involved in one of the nation’s only all Black Boy Scout Troops, developing 7 Eagle Scouts.