Jackie has a number of active roles in driving the inclusivity agenda at HSBC UK, including as EMpower Steerco; EMpower sponsor, nurturing internal BAME talent; on the UK Culture & Engagement committee; Executive Women’s forum steerco; by proactively contributing to and promoting Women on Boards; and supporting the Atlas Mentoring Platform, Women Ahead. She has been the executive sponsor for Embrace for the last 18 months, and has been instrumental in acting as a trusted advisor for the network committee. Jackie ensures all things inclusion are discussed at board level to help shape strategy; she has mentored chairs, sponsors and committee members, alongside BAME colleagues aiming to achieve director-level roles. She presents at events, promoting all aspects of D&I and has pushed a recruitment drive for increasing BAME leadership. Externally, Jackie has worked with the CEO of the Diana Award which has led to opportunities for HSBC employees to mentor and make a difference to the lives of young people mostly from a BAME background. The team have run mentoring programmes, offering career insight which is fun, diverse and truly benefits young people’s personal and professional development.