At Travers Smith, Kathleen chairs the Diversity & Inclusion Board, and is an ally member of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Group and of the LGBTQ+ Group. She is the public ambassador of the firm and one of the main keepers of the D&I strategy. She sponsors the firm’s BAME recruitment and retention strategy, which aims to create fairness at critical inflection points of BAME lawyers’ careers. Kathleen, with strong support from her fellow partners, has also instigated and led numerous initiatives, including sessions on challenging racial biases and micro-aggressions, a firm-wide ‘Celebration of Black Music’ event, and a ‘Meet the Senior Partner’ session for members of the firm’s BAME network. Externally, Kathleen has sponsored and helped to develop an innovative booklet outlining how to be a better ally for the BAME community. Kathleen also supports organizations which develop BAME-led startups and BAME entrepreneurs.