Since August, Mary has co-chaired PwC’s Multicultural Business Network (MBN) as it has grown to 1000+ internal members, 300+ external members and 5 new regional MBN teams. She leads the network’s steering committee and chairs quarterly network leadership meetings. The MBN’s main focus is driving the ‘ColourBrave’ strategy within the firm normalising conversations about race in the workplace. Mary ensures that all events showcase diversity in leadership and sits on PwC’s People Council. Knowing that many BAME employees struggle to organically make strategic mentoring relationships, this year she organised for over 100 MBN members to be on the pilot for an internal mentoring app which enables employees to find mentors around the firm and have access to mentoring-related resources. Outside of work, she continues to run a young professional women’s network called Now You’re Talking, which has predominantly BAME Members and delivers action-focused networking events, side hustle showcases and retreats for members. For Black History Month, Mary leveraged her social media platform to launch the #31DaysofBlackExcellence Campaign on her blog showcasing 31 young Black people excelling in the corporate world, academia or entrepreneurship.