Riaz has mentored and coached many BAME employees and partners in EY over the years. During his tenure as EY’s Sponsor for Diversity & Inclusion, he led the founding of the EY’s BAME networks. He is now actively involved in these networks, presenting and participating as needed and he has helped to open up EY’s recruitment policies which are now considered to be the most open in the industry. Outside of EY, Riaz led a team that founded the One Degree Academy, a free school in Enfield that aims to give access to a private school level education to children that are typically from underserved and BAME backgrounds. He is also the Chair of Trustees for the One Degree Mentoring program, is a Trustee of the Bright Ideas Trust, a board member of Common Purpose International, and a Fellow of the RSA. Riaz has just been invited to join the Alumni Board of Harvard Business School, and will be advocating policies that open that institution to more BAME people.