Since 2016, Rodney has been the co-chair for ‘ONE’, National Grid’s multicultural ERG. ONE’s purpose is to support the professional development of BAME employees, promote inclusion and educate the wider company about the culture and experiences of people of colour. Under his leadership, ONE launched a successful reverse mentoring scheme and membership has increased by 95%. Rodney also co-founded the ‘Development Programme for Diverse Leaders’, designed to accelerate and support BAME employees to positions of management. Rodney has presented to the UK Executive Board and Global Leadership team regarding BAME representation at National Grid, generating change at the highest level of the organisation. Outside of work, Rodney sits on the steering committee of The Network of Networks (TNON) BAME chapter supporting network leaders from over 65 organisations including FTSE companies. TNON aims to provide a platform for cross-company network collaboration. Rodney has undertaken numerous speaking engagements on D&I, including EMpower Emerging Leaders programme’s panel on Inspirational Leadership. He is also a trustee for City Year UK, a youth social action charity which challenges 18 to 25-year-olds to tackle educational inequality through a year of full-time voluntary service in some of the most disadvantaged communities in the UK.