Shirine is the sponsor for Lloyd’s Cultural Awareness Network (CAN) which promotes awareness of different cultures within Lloyd’s, and provides an open and supportive environment for anyone interested in related topics. Over the past year CAN has held a number of events to encourage discussion and open up a dialogue across a range of areas related to ethnic minorities. She is also Chair of the EMpower Executive Steering Group. Over the past two years her team has partnered with the Clara Grant Primary School – an ethnically diverse school in Tower Hamlets, of which she is a Board member – to provide guided reading, maths challenges, technology skills and data capability development for both children and teachers. Externally to Lloyd’s, Shirine mentors and sponsors a number of young ethnic minority people, helping to provide them with work experience, skills training and jobs in financial services. Additionally, Shirine was included in the CIO 100 and the BAME Board Talent Index 100, as well as being a finalist for CIO of the Year at the Women in IT Awards.